The History of the Pike Pole

One of the most versatile tools for firefighters along with its long history in the fire service is the pike pole. Next to the axe, the pike pole is one of the most recognizable tools of the fire service. In fact, this tool was used for thousands of years prior to entering itself into the fire service. This tool has been used in fishing, forestry and construction yet originated in the 12th century in Europe as a weapon for soldiers.

Once adapted into the fire service, the pike pole has been used to pull down interior and exterior walls, ceilings and roofs to help stop fire spread, through various phases of an incident.

During the initial fire attack, firefighters use this tool to tear away structural elements of the building in order to prevent the advancement of fire by exposing hidden fire for suppression and by removing upper windows for ventilation.

The pike pole is also used during the overhaul stage of the incident for the same functions previously mentioned in the initial attack stage allowing firefighters to open up to uncover and extinguish any hidden pockets of fire.

The versatility of this tool is not spoke to as much as it was, thanks to the advancements in modern technology with respect to fire service equipment. For years prior, this tool along with another pike or a tool of similar length and a tarp was used in creating makeshift stretchers to remove injured victims or down firefighters.

A typical pike pole normally measures from 4 feet - often referred to as a closet hook for its ability to be used in closets or other confined spaces where longer pikes wouldn't fit - to 12 feet in length and was traditionally made of hardwood. Today, many of these are made from fiberglass and other composite materials which are lighter and easier to maneuver.

The modern version of the pike poll came to the fire service in the 1960s and 1970s In New York City (the War Years). During this time, FDNY Captain Bob Farrell and the New York City Fire Department's Research & Development Division developed their version of the pike pole, often referred to as the New York Hook. This variant of the pike pole has two hooks at the head as opposed to the traditional one hook to help firefighters pull down metal roofing and drywall. An advantage of this tool is also its ability to remove roof cross-boards from joists by sliding the hook along the joist to quickly pop the boards during ventilation. Another thing to note about the New York Style hook is the flathead at the top as opposed to the point on the traditional pike pole. This function has the ability to use the hook as a hammer and hook combined - sounding floors, roofs and purchase points for opening walls.

New York Style Hook

Around this same time, various other fire specific hooks have been developed such as the Chicago Hook, the Denver hook, the San Francisco Hook and the Boston Rake Hook. All developed to efficiently tear apart the type of building construction most often encountered by firefighters in those areas - mainly plaster and lath or tongue and groove.

Above: Denver Hook, Boston Rake Hook & the San Francisco Hook

Nowadays, apparatus riding assignments are used and the pike pole is often paired with two firefighter riding assignments on the truck company, the hook & can firefighter and the outside vent firefighter. Both firefighters are assigned a 6 foot pike pole (most common size used) along with a water can (hook & can) and a halligan (outside vent).

The pike pole, rich is in storied history as a once weapon used by European soldiers, to its uses in fishing and construction is now a go-to versatile tool for the fire service.

Until next time, work hard stay safe & live inspired.

Attacking and Defeating the Hockey Puck Lock

Being a firefighter, we have various challenged consistently thrown at us and as such it is our job to defeat and overcome them.

As businesses and homeowners look to ramp up their security systems with more cameras around the perimeters and such, it is very common for high security locks to be added to various entrance points of the structure. The mindset is to make the structure as different as possible for criminals to enter and this trickles into making it more difficult for firefighters to make entry should an emergency arise that we need to get to.

When we think about gaining entry to a structure, we know it is something we must train on and something we must be proficient in. So, challenge accepted. Since as firefighters, there is no challenge we cannot overcome - or at least think we cannot overcome. The kitchen table is where we solve all the world's problems.

The challenge of this article is to list out various methods of forcible entry in defeating The American 2000 lock also known as "The Hockey Puck Lock".

This lock is found is a variety of places and sometimes may show up when you least expect it. Typically found on roll up doors on commercial occupancies, these locks can also be found on commercial garage doors, basement doors (Bilco doors) and box trucks.

Due to its round shape, this lock puts the keyway and pin & shackle within the body of the lock itself. By this design, it is created to cause difficulties for criminals to cut the shackle and gain entry.

Here are a few ways to attack and overcome the hockey puck lock

Method #1 - Attack the lock (no guard)

The lock could be attached to some kind of heavy-duty door or gate and quickly being able to identify if there is a guard around the lock or not will determine if you will be attack the lock itself or go through other means. For this method, we will go through the lock itself since there is no guard around the lock.

The quickest and most efficient way in attacking the lock is to use a standard pipe wrench (many truck companies have these in the cab or tool compartment of the rig) and get a solid bite on the lock with the wrench. From there, you simply pry downward with the wrench, breaking the hasp eye.

American 2000 (hockey puck) Lock Hasp

Method #2 - Through the Lock (with guard)

Hockey Puck Lock with Guard

Many of these locks will have a guard around them protecting the lock and therefore preventing the use of a wrench or striking down the lock by other means.

In this case, when faced with a guard around the lock, it is best to cut through the lock itself. For this method, it is best to use a rotary saw equipped with a metal blade.

  • Locate the keyway

  • Cut about three-quarters up the lock, opposite of the keyway

  • Cut completely through the lock and guard

This should damage the hasp and enable the lock to be removed from the door or gate.

For those unfamiliar with this type of lock, it could be a daunting task to complete. However, take time during pre-planning and non-fire incidents in occupancies to locate these types of locks and add them to your pre-incident size-up and practice these methods of entry with the crew. A few minutes breaking locks will save precious minutes on the fire ground figuring out how to get through it.

Until next time - work hard, stay safe & live inspired.

Forcing Trident Security Doors

Higher capacity security doors are becoming more and more prevalent in all commercial and now residential homes for maximum break-in protection. The Trident Multi-Point lock provides a multipoint deadbolt locking mechanism with maximum resistance to break-ins. Here's the breakdown of the Trident system. 

  1. Instant self-locking deadbolt protection on each close or manual locking

  2. 4-point locking system

  3. Anti-pry protection

  4. Maximum door reinforcement kits - door strengthening bars and lower module reinforcement kit

As firefighters sometimes our jobs are going through the door in order to perform our interior fire operations and it is imperative we have an understanding on how to force this type of door should we have no other option or this is our best option for a quick knock on the fire or a rescue effort.

Let’s force the door 

All hand tools approach - IRONS - Method 1 

  1. Starting on the hinge side, using the Adz end of the halligan, gap/crush the door to gain access to the backside of the door by placing the Adz behind the door and begin prying the standalone pin away. By getting the standalone pin out of the way early on will help with the conventional door pop.

  2. Now, attack the lock side of the door starting with the top pin followed by the bottom pin and pry them away.

  3. From here, once the three pins have been pried away, force the center of the door conventionally.

Please note, this will be time consuming and energy depleting. Have a K-12 or spreaders on hand if need be.

All hand tools approach - IRONS - Method 2

  1. Attack the lock side of the door by gaping and crushing the door and start by prying away top pin followed by the bottom pin.

  2. From here, once the two pins have been pried away, force the center of the door conventionally.

  3. The door should go and entry can be made.

From my experience, these doors have been found mostly on rear pharmacy doors and other businesses with highly valuable goods. The best way to approach these doors is to study their makeup and understand their strong and weak links in order to force them in less time and reduce the amount of strain on the crew forcing the door.

Keep your eyes open and stay diligent out there. 

Until next time, work hard, stay safe and live inspired.

Truck Company Operations: LOVERS__U

The fire service loves acronyms and we have a lot of them. For this discussion we are going to talk about the old acronym for all you truckies out there – LOVERS_U. Before we get into the acronym and details of it, let’s first talk simply about truck company ops.

Truck operations involve a variety of tasks; forcible entry, search, rescue, ventilation, ladder operations (ground/aerial), overhaul, etc. Nowadays with the lack of manpower, squad and engine companies may be needed to perform these operations at any time on the fire ground and are equipped with the tools to do so. Some engine companies may need to perform both truck and engine operations due to lack of manpower or the absence of a truck on scene and vice versa for companies who run quints.

Well here we are, a truck company; what do we do?

Let’s being here with LOVERS_U:

1. Size-up (Yes, truck has its own size up to do). Everything we do on the fire ground calls for a scene size up (and a continual one) to better help us make smart tactical decisions to effectively complete our tasks especially with ventilation. Can this start the LOVERS_U? Hmm….

2. Forcible Entry, if needed (for searching and fire suppression). Sometimes the doors may be unlocked so like they say, “trybefore you pry”. This action should be determined quickly upon arrival in the case of victim removals. Please remember to keep this simple. Remembering your basic tools such as the irons, a hook and/or saw along with variations or combinations of each, can save time and get the job done. The key here is to know your tools and how to use them efficiently.

3. Search (Rescue, if needed). This is very important because we are not only searching for victims but searching for fire both of which may or may not be identifiable from the outside which is why searching is critical on the fire ground. Let’s remember searching for fire can also be done by the suppression team as well. Don’t forget your TIC.

4. a. Ventilation for search team (Vent for life). By venting for life, it is allowing a lot of the thick, black smoke remove itself from the structure giving search teams inside better visibility and time for locating victims.

b. Ventilation for fire suppression (Vent for fire). By venting for fire, this assists the fire suppression team in making an easier push to the fire and much easier extinguishment. This is done with very precise communication between your crew, the suppression team inside and the IC. If done haphazardly, this can be catastrophic.

5. Ladder the building (ingress, egress, vertical/horizontal vent). Every window accessible should have a ladder on it for emergency egress and also for access to the roof and 2nd floor windows for vertical vent. Why not throw a ladder up while heading with your crew to your assignment? Kill 2 birds with 1 stone.

6. Overhaul/Salvage. Once the fire is determined to be out, now it’s time to get inside and open the place up. This is to look for any hotspots and perform another search should any victims have not been found. During this operation, SCBA is still required along with a TIC and hand tools. Using tarps are also considered to help salvage as much property as possible and avoid any smoke and/or water damage.

7. Utilities. This is also known as shutting  down the utilities. Depending on where the utilities are located, this is done by either an interior crew or an exterior crew. Having control of gas, electric and water will help increase the safety of all fire service personnel on the scene.

Now that we discussed primary responsibilities of the truck company, we can now collectively say we have described and discussed LOVERS_U. For all those on truck companies or working with truck company responsibilities keep this acronym in your toolbox when pulling up to a scene, during your pre plans and in your training. It’s a valuable guide to helping you get the job done efficiently, effectively and most importantly safely. 

Until next time; work hard, stay safe & live inspired.

 About the Author

 NICHOLAS J. HIGGINS is a firefighter with 16 years in the fire service in Piscataway, NJ as well as NJ State certified level 2 fire instructor and currently a State of New Jersey Advocate for the National Fallen Firefighter’s Foundation. A martial arts practitioner in Taekwondo, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Muay Thai as well as a former collegiate athlete in baseball, Nick is also a National Exercise & Sports Trainer Association Battle Ropes Instructor and studying for the Functional Fitness Instructor certification.  He holds a B.S. in Accounting from Kean University and is the founder/contributor of the Firehouse Tribune website.