The World’s Worst Dispatcher

Dispatch is often overlooked despite its critical role in public safety. If fire engines, squad cars, and ambulances are chess pieces and the community is the board, dispatchers are the chess players—strategically observing the larger picture, placing each piece with precision, and anticipating Murphy's next move. Dispatchers are a responder's closest ally when an incident begins to escalate. Firefighters call for police to secure the scene, police request medics when a child is injured, and ambulances call for firefighters when extra hands are needed. All of these crucial decisions are made through radio communications, orchestrated by the chess-masters in dispatch.

A smooth shift often depends on a well-trained, focused dispatcher watching over the scene. Conversely, when operators ask incomplete questions or hastily deploy resources, even a routine shift can devolve into chaos. The solution to this is nearly always better training, provided the dispatcher is committed to doing their job with diligence.

Yet, we often overlook a similar system operating within us. Hidden away in its own black box, the brain acts as our personal dispatch center. It takes in data from our senses—sight, sound, touch, and beyond (proprioception, equilibrioception, and interoception, to name a few)—and uses these inputs to construct a worldview. This system generates our beliefs, impulses, moods, and behaviors, ultimately shaping the person we become.

Most of us go through life unaware of this process, convinced we are the sole authors of our thoughts. But left unchecked, this mental dispatcher can run wild, sending us on endless, unnecessary calls—false alarms and emergencies of our own making. It is as if the world's worst dispatcher lives between our ears. We get dispatched to the past, replaying and rehashing events long since concluded. We respond to the future, anxiously accelerating through worst-case scenarios and imaginary conversations that rarely unfold as we expect. The mind’s dispatch center can become so untethered that we find ourselves responding to problems that don’t exist—while ignoring events right in front of us. For first responders, this can mean staying on duty mentally, physically, and emotionally long after the uniform comes off.

But it doesn't have to be this way.

Mindfulness meditation offers a way to break free from this reactive loop. It teaches us to first notice the mental chaos—to recognize when our inner dispatcher is sounding false alarms. With continued practice, we learn to distinguish between urgent signals and distracting noise, to reset our responses, and to cancel ourselves en route to unnecessary dispatches.

Unlike the immediate duty to act in uniform, we can cultivate the ability to notice which events truly deserve our attention. We can choose our "assignments" with greater freedom, bringing a sense of peace and clarity. Over time, the dispatch center within our minds can quiet down, allowing us to be more present and connected to the things we value most, both on duty and off.

• Josh Grandinetti - Fire Captain & Founder of Foundation Fortified

Sitting with a Purpose

Walking with purpose is a subtle yet vital skill recruits learn early in their training. While there are moments when running is necessary as a first responder, there is never a time for walking casually during a public emergency. In fact, if a recruit is observed aimlessly ambling across the academy grounds, the entire group quickly finds themselves on their hands, counting push-ups as a reminder.

However, walking with purpose is more than just about covering territory quickly. It's about maintaining composure, thinking several steps ahead without redundancy, and progressing steadily through chaos with clear, focused insight. These are the qualities that define a seasoned officer.

Unfortunately, most organizations still rely on outdated methods- such as time and experience to help develop mental resilience in responders. These approaches, though familiar, come at the cost of youth, exposure, and mental health risks like anxiety, PTS(D), burnout, and depression that often accompany them.

But what if there were a more effective way to build mental fortitude while also reducing time and risk? Mindfulness meditation, a simple yet powerful practice, offers wide-ranging benefits. As research continues to unveil its advantages, more and more studies demonstrate its data-driven effects on mental and emotional well-being.

When introduced early in a recruit's training, mindfulness meditation can improve focus, attention, emotional regulation, and compassion for others. For seasoned responders, it offers a path to reverse decades of compassion fatigue, emotional dysregulation, burnout, and poor coping habits. At Foundation Fortified, we offer free mindfulness meditation training designed for personal, professional, and instructional use in academy settings. We hope to see this valuable skill incorporated more regularly throughout the industry.

It's time we rethink the foundation of mental resilience and truly discover what it means to Sit with Purpose. May you be well, and may you secure the wellness of others.

-Josh Grandinetti

Founder of Foundation Fortified

JOSH GRANDINETTI is a Fire Captain with 14 years of experience and 12 years’ experience as a paramedic. Josh began studying mindfulness meditation as a personal journey approximately 9 years ago. Having felt compelled to bring the practice to our industry blended with the unique challenges we face on and off duty, in May 2024 Josh achieved his mindfulness instructor qualifications through the IMMA and began Foundation Fortified, a mindfulness platform built for first responders.

Foundation Fortified

Somatic Exercises for Movement Therapy in First Responders

In our fast-paced world, we have been become overburdened by many factors that produce stress and tension to the point it is almost impossible to avoid. Studies have shown that 85% of first responders have experienced mental health issues and approximately 1 in every 3 first responders develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) over the course of their career, as opposed to the 1 in 5 in the general population.

Many responders (including myself) tend to carry physical and mental burdens around that manifests into our bodies causing pain, stiffness, or discomfort. From the effects of sleep from shift work, running calls, and the physical and mental conditions the job as a whole contains, it will at some point take a toll on your body and mind no matter how much we try and think it won't.

Due to the nature of our work, it is important to "exercise" your body and mind to help rid these tensions to improve overall body awareness. By doing so, it will greatly impact your mental and physical performance on the job and in your everyday life off the job.

With that being said, I want to share a form of movement therapy I have been reading into a bit lately that focuses on internal physical perception called somatic exercises.

Traditionally, exercise routines place emphasis on external gains such as strength, speed or endurance - all integral for on the job performance as first responders. On the other hand, somatic exercises place emphasis on how your body is feeling from with, through slow movements with the intention of paying close attention to your body's senses. This type of exercise is comparable to the martial art, Tai Chi also known as mediation is motion, which is great for reducing stress, improving mood and improving balance. All of which is vitally important for overall well-being as a first responder and everyday life.

Here are some somatic breathing techniques to try out and can be done in 15-20 minutes to help work on balance, mood, stress and anxiety that is seeming to take a toll on your mental and physical wellbeing.

Centering Breath

Time: 2 minutes

Purpose: Connect with your breath and center your body.

How to:

• Sit or lie down comfortably.

• Close your eyes and place one hand on your chest and the other on your abdomen.

• Inhale deeply through your nose, feeling your abdomen rise.

• Exhale slowly through your mouth, feeling your abdomen fall.

• Continue this deep breathing for 2 minutes, focusing on the sensation of your breath.

Pelvic Tilt

Time: 3 minutes

Purpose: Release tension in the lower back and improve pelvic mobility.

How to:

Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor.

• Inhale and gently arch your lower back, tilting your pelvis forward.

• Exhale and press your lower back into the floor, tilting your pelvis backward.

• Repeat this motion slowly, coordinating it with your breath, for 3 minutes.

Cat-Cow Stretch

Time: 3 minutes

Purpose: Increase flexibility and mobility in the spine.

How to:

• Start on your hands and knees in a tabletop position.

• Inhale as you arch your back, lifting your head and tailbone toward the ceiling (Cow Pose).

• Exhale as you round your back, tucking your chin to your chest and tailbone under (Cat Pose).

• Move slowly and mindfully between these two positions for 3 minutes.

Shoulder Rolls

Time: 2 minutes

Purpose: Release tension in the shoulders and neck.

How to:

• Sit or stand with your arms relaxed by your sides.

• Inhale and lift your shoulders toward your ears.

• Exhale as you roll your shoulders back and down.

• Continue with slow, controlled shoulder rolls for 1 minute in one direction, then switch to the opposite direction for another minute.

Hip Circles

Time: 2 minutes

Purpose: Increase mobility and release tension in the hips.

How to:

• Stand with your feet hip-width apart.

• Place your hands on your hips.

• Begin making slow circles with your hips, moving clockwise for 1 minute.

• Reverse the direction and move counterclockwise for another minute.

Somatic Stretch

Time: 4 minutes

Purpose: Lengthen and relax the entire body.

How to:

• Stand with your feet hip-width apart.

• Inhale as you reach your arms overhead, stretching your body upward.

• Exhale as you fold forward, keeping your knees soft and allowing your upper body to hang down.

• Stay in this forward fold for a few deep breaths, then slowly roll back up to standing.

• Repeat the stretch a few times, moving with your breath.

Body Scan Relaxation

Time: 5 minutes

Purpose: Deepen relaxation and body awareness.

How to:

• Lie down comfortably on your back with your arms by your sides.

• Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths.

• Starting at your toes, slowly bring your attention to each part of your body, noticing any tension or sensations.

• Gradually move your focus up through your legs, hips, abdomen, chest, shoulders, arms, neck, and head.

• As you scan each area, consciously release any tension and allow your body to relax fully.

• Stay in this relaxed state for a few more minutes before gently bringing yourself back to the present.

The purposes of these exercises are to help improve body awareness (identify areas of tension or imbalance), reduce stress and tension stored in your muscles and joints, enhance mobility and flexibility to help improve posture and reduce pain and discomfort over time and assist with a better mind-body connection to help improve mental clarity and emotional balance.

Each purpose of these exercises is beneficial to being the best well-rounded version of yourself on and off the job. By taking care of yourself before shift or during down time can lead to great improvements in your job overall. We are humans and as Chief Tom Marchiano says the community expects us to be SUPERhumans. The only way to achieve that is to take a step back and take care of ourselves each day.

Until next time, work hard, stay safe & live inspired.

The Benefits of Electrolytes and Why Firefighters Should Drink Them

Hydration is an essential factor for firefighters all around. According to research, hydration is vital for overall health and wellness and your performance, along with recovery. The human body is made up of 66 to 70 percent water; through sweat, breathing, and bodily waste, it will lose around 35 to 90 ounces of water. During normal physical activity, however, the body could lose an additional 8 to 16 ounces of water. Firefighters, on the other hand, lose approximately 50 to 70 ounces of water in only 30 to 45 minutes during firefighting activity, five times higher than normal physical activity. The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine determined that an adequate daily fluid intake is about 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) of fluids for men and about 11.5 cups (2.7 liters) of fluids a day for women. These recommendations cover fluids from water, other beverages, and food. About 20 percent of daily fluid intake usually comes from food and the rest from drinks.

With all of this being said, is this enough for firefighters when performing high intensity work in full PPE in training and on the fire ground?

Let's take a look at the benefits and needs of incorporating electrolytes into your hydration especially when you're on shift at the firehouse.

Our bodies lose electrolytes through sweat, those of which cannot be replenished by water. Yes, you may feel better after a nice bottle of water however you may not be fully recovered due to the loss of important nutrients found in electrolytes.

But what makes electrolytes so essential, you ask? Let's find out.

For starters, electrolytes are essential minerals found in food and fluids, with a few of them being produced by our bodies naturally. Our bodies are designed to dissolve these minerals through blood, sweat and urine turning them into positive or negative charged ions which are vital for us to carry out normal body processes. Of these processes would be regulating our pH levels, maintaining fluid balances, contracting muscles, and conducting nerve impulses that allow your cells to communicate.

There are seven common electrolytes are four essential electrolytes are bodies need in order to function properly.

Seven common electrolytes

  • Sodium

  • Potassium

  • Chloride

  • Magnesium

  • Bicarbonate

  • Calcium

  • Phosphate

Four essential electrolytes

  • Sodium

  • Potassium

  • Chloride

  • Magnesium

The four essential electrolytes all play a role in proper body functioning from healthy digestion to regulating blood pressure and while they contribute to the same processes in the body function, all have unique properties that play a role in this process.

So, before we can discuss why these four are consider essential, we must first understand what these four are.


Sodium play a pivotal role in maintaining the bodies extracellular fluid (ECF) volume and regulating blood pressure. Across our cellular membranes, sodium influences the water movement around these membranes and when the sodium levels change as does our osmotic pressures. This pressure can be thought of as the pressure that would be required to stop water from diffusing through a barrier of osmosis. Basically stating, it is how hard the water will "push" to get through the barrier in order to diffuse to the other side. In other words, "where sodium goes, water flows".

These changes induced by sodium will affect how water moves intra and extracellular compartments, like blood. Therefore resulting in an increase or decrease in plasma volume (part of ECF) and blood volume which can raise or lower blood pressure.


Potassium is the partner to the electrolyte mentioned above, sodium. These two work together to maintain fluid volume in and out of your cells. As sodium is found in the extracellular fluid, potassium is found mostly in the intracellular fluid and is one of the most abundant mineral in our body.

The concentration of potassium in the ICF is around 30 times higher than outside your cell forming an electrochemical gradient for potassium and its partner sodium to work together to maintain. The electrochemical gradient is responsible for muscle contractions.

Without the proper levels of potassium in our body, our muscles produce weaker contractions along with possible muscle fatigue or severe muscle cramps.


Every cell in our body has the electrolyte magnesium. In fact, nearly 60% of it lives in our bones, with the rest found in fluids, tissues, and muscles. The importance of magnesium is that it is a help molecule that contributes to over 400 enzymatic reactions throughout our body, such as:

  • Converting food into energy

  • Regulating muscle and nerve functions

  • Contracting muscles

  • Regulating blood pressure and blood sugar

  • Building proteins

The functions of magnesium may seem repetitive to sodium and potassium but it is important to note, many of the electrolytes will work together to ensure the body is running how it should.

One of the main functions of these electrolytes working together is producing and metabolizing adenosine triphosphate, otherwise known as ATP - the body's primary energy source.


Chloride is a negatively charged ion found in both intra cellular (ICF) and extracellular fluids (ECF). It is the second most abundant mineral found in the body. The function of chloride in the body is maintaining acid-base balance also known as  pH balance, aiding in digestion and aiding in water movement between fluid compartments in the body.

Chloride plays a pivotal role in proper digestion. It is a component to stomach acid, also known as hydrochloric acid (HCI). HCI jumpstarts our digestive process by activating gastric enzymes.

Now that we in short, covered the four essential electrolytes. We need to know WHY they are essential.

In the simplest terms, they keep your body in balance - in homeostasis. By having balanced electrolytes, it will help with chemical reactions and maintaining proper hydration along with intracellular and extracellular fluids that protect our cellular function. By keeping these electrolytes in balance we are also doing the following:

  • Keeping pH levels balanced

  • Transporting nutrients into our cells

  • Removing waste from our cells

  • Supporting muscle function

  • Supporting nervous system function

  • Regulating blood pressure

Electrolytes are essential for optimal body functioning and why maintain proper hydration prior to and after training and work on the fire ground. To reestablish a healthy balance in the body, it is important to replenish the nutrient that is lost though our sweat and bodily fluids on the job.

In order to work and perform at your optimal level, it is essential to keep electrolytes in your carry bag when on shift. A dehydrated firefighter is a unless firefighter. 

Until next time, work hard, stay safe & live inspired

Understand the Cause and Effect of Burnout

Anyone who has listened to any podcast I'm on or seen me speak in person has heard me say, "To bring our A-game, we have to be on our A-game mentally. Burnout in first responders has been witnessed for years, but it was taboo to discuss due to the stigma of being unfit for duty. Fast forward to 2023, burnout is being discussed more often. We already know burnout is terrible, and the job can cause it, but what aspects of the job lead to burnout? More importantly, what can we do to lessen the blow of burnout, if not prevent it overall?

I created a short survey with questions about the participants' personal and work lives. There were 75 participants in the following areas: fifty-two firefighters, twelve EMS, two Law Enforcement, and nine classified as other, including 911 dispatchers, mental health crisis workers, and ER Nurses.

It is essential to highlight that all participants noted that their work has impacted their personal lives. When participants were asked what they felt the biggest morale killer was for their department, 57.3% identified it as leadership. Other factors included staffing at 20% and policies at 6.7%. Shockingly, 43.3% of individuals found that they lacked access to professional support at work. Participants were also asked if they find it difficult to go to work, which 31.1% agreed to. An overwhelming amount of individuals (64%) reported feeling underappreciated or undervalued at work. These statistics call into question how these numbers are impacting someone's livelihood. Out of the 75 participants, 64% of individuals found themselves to be more irritable or losing patience with others. We must then question how the patience of workers impacts their quality of work with others, whether colleagues or patients. 

When discussing personal lives, 29.7% of individuals reported they felt they were withdrawing from friends and family. I was curious as well if participants noticed an increase in using drugs or alcohol more frequently, which 29.3% of individuals agreed to an increase in substance use. I also proposed the question of whether individuals feel less motivated to do things they enjoy, and a shocking amount of 58.6% of individuals agreed. When individuals lose motivation for something they enjoy, their work ethic declines, often because they are too burned out to use their regular leisure activities. The word burnout holds weight to it in this line of work, but the question must be asked, "Do you feel burned out from your job?". In response to this question, 52% of individuals agreed or strongly agreed. As a leader, I questioned what departments can do to relieve some of the feelings and concerns that each individual expressed in the survey. Some responses on how to improve morale within a department included team building (26.7%), more frequent input on department policies (29.3%), and more frequent meetings with leadership (25.3%).

All three responses can prove effective, but how do you implement them? Team building is a favorite tactic of mine. What exactly is team building? Team building is an ongoing process that helps a work group evolve into a cohesive unit. The team members share expectations for accomplishing group tasks and trust, support, and respect one another's differences. A leader can hold team building on shift or off shift. One of the best techniques to do on shift is hands-on training. I've often found that morale is high when we hold department training events in my department. What about taking team building away from work? Group outings to sporting events, concerts, days on a golf course, or even a night out can boost morale. It encourages your crew/workers to socialize about things other than work, creating a more relaxing environment and allowing them to understand each other personally. 

While it's often challenging to fit in team building, more frequently due to busy schedules, calls, meetings, etc., we must find the time to avoid losing the most essential piece of our departments: our crew/workers. When individuals feel appreciated, valued, and refreshed, they are more likely to be on their A-game mentally and physically, which society relies on us for. A good leader must understand burnout and feel comfortable approaching our crew/workers and asking, "How can I support you?" or "Are you doing okay?". Sometimes, while this is not an easy question to ask, and we may not hear easy answers, it's how to ensure that workers/crew members feel listened to and supported. Overall, we must maintain the insight into how burnout affects the livelihood of our workers/members. 

Holding quarterly individual or small-scale meetings with your crew can be an easy way to maintain the insight. These meetings can often be utilized as a way to get ideas for the workplace but also to assure your firefighters, EMTs, police officers, etc., are doing okay both at work and home. Fire officers and other leaders say, "Their home life is not my concern." I can't entirely agree. The issue is not the leader's problem; however, its effect on the individual is an issue for the leader. You must ensure your employee prevents home issues from affecting decision-making on an emergency scene. Most importantly, if it affects them, take care of them; humans are allowed to have bad days and should not be punished. 

This article is just a tiny look into the effects of burnout in the workplace. Whether responding to a structure fire, heart attack victim, active shooter, answering and or dispatching 911 calls, assisting someone during a mental health crisis, or rushing patient to patient in an emergency room, our communities expect superhumans when they need help. It's our job as leaders to provide the best team for those in need and provide our first responders with the support to ensure they are physically and mentally on their A-game. I like the term superhuman. First responders are remarkable, and the mental and physical stress their bodies can handle is a super-hero quality. A better way to write it is superHUMAN, ensuring we acknowledge that even being considered "super," we are still human.

Burnout: Taking Care of Your Crew

Often perceived as machines or "super-humans," firefighters can always answer the call 24/7. Everyone always expects firefighters to be there but seldom thinks about the toll it may take on the firefighters. Short staffing, hectic schedules, and specific incidents all contribute to burnout. Sometimes as an officer, you must ensure your crew is at its best.

As the fire service leader, it's essential to notice when members of your crew or department are dealing with burnout. 

The typical symptoms of burnout include:

  • A negative attitude toward others.

  • A lack of engagement within the workplace.

  • Exhaustion. 

So what exactly should you be looking for? Poor nutrition, loss of interest in the job, and lack of sleep are some of the most common signs of burnout. Another sign to look for would be the job performance of an individual. Firefighters are generally good at hiding feelings, with the fear of being labeled as not "tough enough" for the job. An example is a firefighter who usually works well as a team but starts freelancing and disobeying direct orders. Burnout affects the firefighter not only physically but mentally. In the mental capacity, it may cause cloudiness to your judgment, which could lead to injury or death for not only the individual but the crew and or civilians. 

You're the officer in charge, and it is your job to ensure your firefighters remain safe both on the scene and in the firehouse. If you notice one of your crew members is going through burnout, there are ways to help. Most importantly, talk to them! As the officer, pull them aside and explain that you’re seeing a change in them. Whether it be on a personal level or on the training ground. It’s also important to  let them know they're human, and feeling burnt out is ok. One downside to this is that crew members may not be receptive to a conversation like this. It can be an uncomfortable conversation to have. During this conversation the person may shut down and almost feel as if they’re being singled out. As mentioned earlier, firefighters rarely speak up for fear of criticism. During this conversation, suggest ways to cope with burnout. Some examples may be:

  • Writing.

  • Cooking.

  • Prioritizing sleep. 

  • Creating a fitness schedule. 

Among the easiest ways is to take advantage of their time off. Take a vacation, turn their phone off, and shut down from the fire service world for a few days. Doing this will allow the firefighter to reset. After all, how can we expect our firefighters to always bring their A-game if they're not in the right frame of mind?

In the United States, 88.2% of the fire service are male. You're probably saying, "Everyone knows that" It's evident if you look at any firehouse in America. However, what's not known is that approximately 84 men a week will take their own life. 75% of all suicides are male. These statistics include more than just firefighters or first responders. However, according to the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation, the number of firefighter suicides falls between 100 & 200 annually. This proves that the "macho man" mentality of firefighters and men increases due to males not usually reaching out for assistance. Regardless, having a crew member speak up about needing help will always be challenging. 

This doesn't mean you can't help in other ways. Most firehouses I've visited have bulletin boards typically filled with information for training and upcoming events. Someone may be more inclined to utilize the info if the rest of the firehouse won't know. Training boards can be a great place in the firehouse to post different foundations and hotline numbers for firefighters seeking help. 

With hectic schedules, budget cuts that reduce staffing, and the overall amount of incidents firefighters are responding to, it's more than likely as an officer; you will encounter a firefighter going through burnout. So as you move up the ranks, make sure you're looking out for yourself and your crew. Below are a few links to different organizations where you can find help or gather more information regarding burnout. 

Work Hard - Stay Safe - Live Inspired

Benefits of Stretching

Unlike athletes firefighters and other first responders don't know when "game time" will be. It could be at 7am or it could be at 11pm but in any case we need to ensure we are at our best when the alarm goes off. As we know, we cannot predict when runs will come in and when they won't but preparation of our bodies before and during shift is just as equally as important as preparing our gear, tools and apparatus. Further, being able to wind down after runs is just as important as preparing for the shift and the potential call volume. This will help prepare the mind and body for work.

So where am I going with this?

I'm going with a focus on stretching. That's right. Stretching.

Stretching, even a short routine, added to your daily routine is a great benefit for overall health and wellness and pays off large dividends. It could be used as a pre-workout or a post-workout routine or both. Stretching can help unwind and release tension after a hectic day or even a long duration run as well as assist in increasing energy levels.

Here are some health benefits to stretching that help can keep you on the path for a long shift in the firehouse and overall better health.

1. Improves flexibility and agility which is important for all firefighters
2. Helps keep a decreased resting heart rate. A health heart is vital for all firefighters
3. Increases the circulation of blood and oxygen to the muscles
4. Helps remove waste from tissues such as lactic acid which is built up during intense exercise. Sometimes causing painful, sore muscles.
5. Helps prevent injuries
6. Increases overall mood and well-being.

Stretching at its best could be used a form of exercise for the body and mind. Keep in mind to only stretch as far as your current level of flexibility and over time the range of motion will gradually increase.

6 Stretches to do everyday to help improve flexibility, blood circulating, oxygen levels, relieve stress and tension. Do all 6, three times for 15-30 seconds each.

  1. Quadricep stretch

  2. Hamstring stretch

  3. Calf raise

  4. Spinal twist

  5. Kneeling hip-flexor

  6. Chest opener

Always remember, before beginning any type of exercise program to consult with your primary physician first.

Side note: As per the 2018 NFPA Journal on firefighter injuries, there was an estimated 58K plus injuries estimated in 2018 and also the lowest since the NFPA has been analyzing this data in 1981. In this report it was noted that the major type of injury during fire ground operations were strains and sprains, which accounted for 38% of all injuries while it accounted for 59% of all non-fire ground injuries.

Until next time; work hard, stay safe & live inspired.